USA Swimming Tech Suit Ban – What You Need to Know
With the new year upon us, the USA Swimming 12&Under Tech Suit ban will be here before we know it. If your swimmer will be 12&Under in September 2020, this suit ban can be confusing and a little daunting. What's legal and what's not? How will officials know that my swimmer's suit is legal? What suit should I get my swimmer to race in?
We're here to help! The tech suit ban comes down to two important racing suit features; 12&Unders cannot wear racing suits that are built with woven fabric and they cannot wear suits that have bonded seams. Even those two things can be a lot to unpack, so we'll go a step further and tell you that our NOVA Racing Suit is 12&Under legal, as approved by USA Swimming!
Review the official USA Swimming ruling, why NOVA is legal, and how officials will know what's legal in the infographic below.
Not sure if NOVA is the right suit for you? Learn more about NOVA here.
Still have questions? We're happy to help! Our staff is educated on the ban and ready to help you through it! Give us a call at 888-369-7946 or e-mail us at

Elle Meinholz – A3 Performance Marketing Director said:
Hello Roy,
Thank you for commenting on our article!
Our focus as a brand is to give swimmers the tools to be their very best and to help swimmers have the best experience in the water. It’s actually in our mission statement that we strive to enrich the sport of swimming by making innovative and impactful products that inspire swimmers to be their best.
The sport of swimming has advanced and progressed so much since its inception, just as all other sports have evolved. It’s our goal to continue to help innovate and evolve the sport in a positive, impactful way.
We completely understand that elite technical racing suits like VICI are not a realistic purchase for everyone. We developed NOVA for those swimmers who want that fast, race-ready suit, without the spendy price tag.
In short, I assure you that we are not in it “for the money” rather, we’re in it for the betterment of the sport.
If you have any questions about our mission and vision as a brand, I am happy to discuss those with you. You can email me directly at
All the best,
Roy E Robertson said:
I believe that all swimmers should go back to the briefs because that when the records were made with. The manufacturers of these high tech suits are in in for the money, not the sport. They rather sell a 300 dollar suit then a 50 dollar brief. Go back to the brief.